Friday, January 30, 2009

Family Cucurbitaceae

Two species from the Cucurbitaceae family were identified.

1. Cucurbita ficifolia Bouche - chilacayote, Malabard gourd
a. pinto or spotted (top) identified in 2 lots (#82, #3)
b. blanco or white (middle) identified in 1 lot (#144)

Comments: Annual, tendrilled vine. Both varieties are used to make crystallized candy. Fruit is placed in a mixture of lime and water for 24 hours to soften the hard skin before cooking. All three farmers are from Mexico.

2. Sechoum edule subsp. edule (Jacq.) Sw. - chayote or pear-vegetable (bottom).

Comments: Annual, tendrilled vine. This domesticated variety was found in 5 lots (#3, #80, #82, #141, and #153). The skin is removed, the fruit is pitted and then steamed, used in soups or sauteed with other vegetables.

From Stanford/Avalon Farm Research

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