Sunday, February 1, 2009

Family Apiaceae

Three cultivar species of the Apiaceae family were found, all are regularly used in Mexican cuisine.

1. Cilantro (corainder, top) - Coriadrum sativum
Comments: Self-seeding annual, strong tangy flavor. Center to Mexican cuisine. Two of the growers import their seed from Mexico, while others leave a few plants for seeds or buy the seeds at nurseries, share or trade their seeds with other farmers. Suprisingly, the cilantro at the farm is much thicker in texture than grocery varieties. Found in 45 lots.

2. Zanahoria (carrots, bottom) - Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Comments: Plant that often fell "victim" to topos or moles when the farm was first established. Farmers buy seeds at local nursery. Found in 7 lots.

3. Apio (celery, not shown) - Apium graveolens
Comments: Primarily used in caldos or soups. Farmers buy seeds.

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